Basic Needs Basket (BNB) for February 2019: Lifting of Mealie Meal Export Ban to Impact Negatively on the Poor

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Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
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The JCTR’s February, 2019 Basic Needs Basket (BNB) for a family of five in Lusaka stood at K 5,331 which was K64 less than the January BNB which stood at K 5,395.35. The most significant changes were noted in fish which increased by K9 from K131 in January to K140 in February per kg due to the fish ban. Mealie meal increased by K3 from K83 in January to K86 in February per 25Kg. Kapenta reduced by K23 from K202 in January to K179 in February per kg. Beans reduced by K5 from K27 in January to K22 in February per Kg. Despite the high cost of living as shown by the basic needs basket, in the recent past Government through the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Katambo, lifted the ban on the export of mealie meal. The Export ban on mealie meal was passed to stabilize domestic food prices and ensure domestic food security. Export bans are widely used globally, regionally and in Zambia to protect domestic markets and citizens amidst uncertainties in supply or demand of basic commodities or services. Apart from ensuring that domestic producers and suppliers are well protected, export ban warrants that strategic reserves are maintained. The lifting of the ban might contribute positively to Zambia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Balance of Payments (BoPs) through increased foreign earnings from export revenues.