Browsing Advocacy on Living Conditions by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 107
July 2000 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Says High Cost of Living Manifest Worsening Social Crisis and Challenges CG Meetings
(2000-07-07)The 16 July statement by the Zambia Episcopal Conference, as well as the recent report by the Zambia Social Watch Coalition, highlights the social crisis currently being experienced by the country. This is one issue that ... -
September 2000 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Widening Gap Between Food Baskets and Salaries: What do Political Party Manifestos Have to Offer?
(2000-09-01)The JCTR September food basket for a family of six in Lusaka stands at K272,305. This reflects a slight drop from the July figure of K277,475, mainly attributed to the continued drop in the price of mealie meal during this ... -
November 2000 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Food Basket Cost Shoots up: JCTR Calls Upon Parliament to Seriously Look at the Rising Cost of Living
(2000-11-01)According to the JCTR's monthly food basket for a family of six in Lusaka, the cost of living has gone up by a huge margin. The survey indicates that for a family of six in Lusaka to survive, without taking into account ... -
December 2000 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Year 2000 Winds Up With a Very High Increase in Cost of Food Basket, Observes JCTR
(2000-12-30)As we approach the end of the year 2000, there is much discussion about the state of Zambia's economy. The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) notes that a key topic of discussion is the significance of Zambia's. ... -
January 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Reflection on the Year 2001: JCTR Food Basket and needs of the Zambian People
(2001-01-08)According to Muweme, the JCTR monthly Food Basket that measures cost of living for a family of six in Lusaka stood at an all-time high figure at end of year 2001. It was up byK2,090 from the November figure of K377,300 to ... -
February 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Calls for Sharper Focus on Development Issues
(2001-03-02)According to the Economic and Social Development Project, a sharper focus on integral development must not be lost. On one hand, Zambia’s human development indicators on almost all accounts, (education, life expectancy, ... -
March 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Price Stability, Decrease and Increase Characterise Food Basket
(2001-03-30)According to Muweme Muweme, Coordinator of the Economic and Social Development Research Project, the price of mealie meal, cooking oil, eggs, salt, Vaseline, for example, has shown a very marginal decrease as compared. ... -
June 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Urges Government to go Beyond Meeting Projected Economic Targets
(2001-06-30)In this year's budget the government projected that the Zambian economy would grow by 5 percent, an increase from last year's growth rate of 3.5 per cent (down from the projected figure of 4 per cent); year-end inflation ... -
July 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Cost of JCTR Food Basket Records Slight Increase
(2001-07-30)The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) Food Basket for a family of six in Lusaka for the month of July stands at K332,520. This is up by K3,950 from the June figure of K328,570. However, it must be pointed out ... -
August 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Food Basket Record Huge Increase: Proportion of Household Expenditure on Mealie Meal Rises
(2001-08-31)The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) monthly Food Basket for a family of six in Lusaka has recorded a huge increase in its cost. The cost of the Food Basket for the month of August stands at K348,500. This ... -
September 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Lack of Political Sensitivity to Cost of Living Worries JCTR
(2001-09-30)The current high level of cost of living is exceedingly difficulty to cope with and has led to greater suffering for the majority of the Zambian people, observes the Economic and Social Development Research Project of the ... -
October 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Appropriate and Prompt Policy Responses in Agriculture Vital, Observes JCTR
(2001-10-31)The JCTR Food Basket for a family of six in Lusaka is now costing K358,400 compared to last month's cost of K357,300. According to Muweme, the rise is mainly attributed to the rising cost of mealie meal which has seen an ... -
November 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: High Cost of Living Should be an Essential Focus for Political Campaigns, Says JCTR
(2001-11-30)The JCTR monthly Food Basket that measures cost of living -- for a family of six in Lusaka has highlighted the continued disastrous living conditions in the country. The cost of the Food Basket for the month of November ... -
March 2002 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Basic Needs Basket Challenges 2002 National Budget
(2002-03-06)The JCTR Basic Needs Basket which estimates cost of living in Lusaka urban for a family of six -- taking into account costs for food such as mealie meal, beans, dry fish, meat, etc., and non-food essentials such as housing, ... -
September 2002 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Clarify Position on School Fees, JCTR Urges Government
(2002-04-03)The abolition of school fees could have relieved many households of the current situation of the high cost of living. The JCTR Basic Needs Basket which estimates the cost of living for a family of six in Lusaka stands for ... -
April 2002 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Says High Cost of Living Enhancing Reproduction of Poverty
(2002-04-30)According to recent estimates as indicated by the JCTR Basic Needs Basket, the cost of living for a family of six in Lusaka now stands at K825,500 up from the month of March figure of K824, 600. The cost of food only, still ... -
May 2002 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Encouraged by Government Declaration of National Disaster but Calls for Looking Beyond Current Situation
(2002-05-30)The JCTR Basic Needs Basket --which measures cost of living for a family of six for the month of May now stands at K814,350, slightly declining by K11,150 from the month of April figure of K825,500. This reduction can be ... -
November 2002 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Basic Needs Basket Report Reveals an all-time High Cost of Living in Lusaka
(2002-11-05)Indeed, this rise in cost of living is a reflection of the current problems of inflation, exchange rate, scarcities of food, depreciation of the Kwacha, etc., as noted recently by the Bank of Zambia. The disconcerting part ... -
December 2002 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: More Efforts Needed at Addressing Zambia's Imminent Deeper Social Crisis, Says JCTR
(2002-12-02)Zambia has a vast potential in almost all sectors to advance the quality of life of its people. We need not and should not be facing the current socio-economic problems of hunger, loss of value of the Kwacha, high cost of ... -
December 2002 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Year 2002 Characterized by Disturbing Social Challenges, Observes JCTR
(2002-12-31)The last twelve months of 2002 have seen a serious deterioration in the social conditions of most Zambian people, says the Economic and Social Development Research Project of the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection ...