Now showing items 17-36 of 46

    • Empower Youth With Jobs to Meet Their Basic Needs, Says JCTR 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2012-03-15)
      Zambia’s policy framework in response to the challenges of youth development is embedded in a number of polices and strategies. These policies and plans are products of changes in time and context of the situation of the ...
    • February 2007 Case Study: Investing Directly in the Poor: A Demand for Social Protection in Zambia 

      Jesuit centre for theological reflection (2007-03-02)
      In terms of macro-economic indicators, Zambia appears like a country that is positioned to make a break-through in national development: the economy has achieved positive economic growth for many consecutive years, ...
    • Insights of the August Basic Needs Basket (BNB): A discussion 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2020-09-27)
      This video is an interview with JCTR's Muchimba Siamachoka where she is discussing the Insights of the August Basic Needs Basket (BNB). She is interviewed by Annette Mulenga of JCTR.
    • January 1996 Zambia: A Case Study of Economic Reform and the Impact on the Poor. 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (1996-01-30)
      Zambia is a "classic case" of a poor African country struggling with the problems of political and economic transitions. In 1991 , it moved out of 27 years of one-patty/one-man rule by the leader of its independence fight, ...
    • January 1996 Case Study: The Pastoral Circle: Background and Use 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (1996-01-30)
      For several decades, church pastoral workers have followed the "see, judge, act" methodology introduced by the Cardin-related movements (e.g., Young Christian Workers* Young Christian Students), This method is a popular ...
    • January 1997 Bulletin: Ecology, Population and Justice: Our Attitude Towards Ecology: are we Responsible for Damage Caused. 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (1997-01-30)
      Human beings are created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord and by means of doing this to save-their sows. The other things on the face of this earth are created for the human beings, to help them in the pursuit ...
    • January 1997 Bulletin: SAP: Is it the Solution or the Problem? the Case Study of Zambia 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (1997-01-30)
      When the Bishops of Eastern and Southern Africa issued their "Message" at the close of the 1994 African Synod, they reflected on the serious sociology-economic suffering experienced by so many of their people in various ...
    • January 1998 Case Study: A Continent on the Margins 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (1998-01-30)
      Contemporary Africa can be compared to the man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho; he fell among robbers who stripped him, beat him and went away, leaving him half-dead (cf. Lk 10:30-37). Africa is a continent where ...
    • January 2000 Case Study: Grassroots Analysis: The Emphasis on Culture 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2000-01-30)
      First, there was an intellectual moment Here acknowledge the insight and emphasis of my colleague for many years at the Center of Concern in Washington DC, Joe Holland. Writing in the "Preface" of the revised and enlarged ...
    • The JCTR Basic Needs Basket - A Tool For Action By Households 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2006)
      The Basic Needs Basket (BNB) is an accurate monthly survey that shows the bare minimum cost of living for a family of six - the basic cost of essential food and non-food items needed by an average sized family to live with ...
    • The JCTR Basic Needs Basket - A Tool For Action By NGO’s 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2006)
      The Basic Needs Basket (BNB) is an accurate monthly survey that shows the bare minimum cost of living for a family of six - the basic cost of essential food and non-food items needed by an average sized family to live with ...
    • The JCTR Basic Needs Basket - A Tool For Action By Trade Unions 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2006)
      The Basic Needs Basket (BNB) is an accurate monthly survey that shows the bare minimum cost of living for a family of six - the basic cost of essential food and non-food items needed by an average sized family to live with ...
    • The JCTR Basic Needs Basket-A Tool For Action By Church Groups 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2006)
      The Basic Needs Basket (BNB) is an accurate monthly survey that shows the bare minimum cost of living for a family of six - the basic cost of essential food and non-food items needed by an average sized family to live with ...
    • JCTR’s Employment Performance Index (EPI) 

      Kaonga, Oliver; Chibuye, Miniva (2009)
      The Social Conditions Programme of the JCTR is implementing a project to advocate for increased formal employment. This is against the backdrop that the country is struggling to create adequate formal employment opportunities ...
    • June 1996 Case Study: Zambia's Church Toward the Year 2000 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (1996-06-30)
      The Catholic Church in Africa has been given a profound challenge for moving into the Third Millennium. This challenge has come from the African Synod and is expressed by the question raised by one of the Synod leaders: ...
    • Making Markets Work Better For The Poor 

      Chishimba, S (2011)
      The need to make markets work better for the poor has been a topic of concern, which is dominated by exclusion to poor people’s participation in economic growth. Studies have shown that the market reforms were meant to put ...
    • Mapping the Wages with the Cost of Living 

      Mundia, Chama Bowa; Mweene, Collet Malala (2022-08-25)
      Based on the BNNB findings, the Centre conducted a study to compare the monthly wages citizens got from January to June, 2021 and the cost of living. The target group included nurses, teachers, marketeers, waiters, security ...
    • March 2003 Socioeconomic Status, Health Status and Health Equity: A Case Study of Zambian Households in Selected Areas 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2003-03-30)
      In the 2001 economic report, the government does indicate that even though the delivery of basic health care services has slightly improved, the disease burden has worsened. The incidence rates for malaria, HIV/AIDS, and ...
    • May 1997 Debt and Structural Adjustment: A Case Study of Zambia 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (1997-05-30)
      Many of the international campaigns to support cancellation of foreign debt in poor countries use a particularly disturbing statistic from Zambia as an example of the impact of debt: Between 1990 and 1993, the government ...
    • May 1998 Case Study: What to do About Poverty in Zambia? 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (1998-05-30)
      Poverty in Africa is big in the news these days. But will it be big in the policy decisions here in Zambia? The recent regional meeting in Windhoek, Namibia, highlighted the extremely serious depth and dimensions of poverty ...