January 2001 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: Reflection on the Year 2001: JCTR Food Basket and needs of the Zambian People
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Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
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According to Muweme, the JCTR monthly Food Basket that measures cost of living for a family of six in Lusaka stood at an all-time high figure at end of year 2001. It was up byK2,090 from the November figure of K377,300 to K379,390. Two points need to be mentioned here regarding these figures. First the increase in the cost of the Food Basket is mainly attributed to the rising cost of mealie meal. The price of mealie meal remains highly volatile. As a consequence, the price asked for this first week of January in many markets varies between K30,000 and K65,000.
The cost reflected in the Food Basket on 24 December 2001 averages K28,730. Second, the K2,090 increase in the cost of the Food Basket, though relatively small, is taking place within the context of an already high cost of living. Moreover, the JCTR Food Basket does not include in its measurement the cost of housing, transport, electricity, water, clothing, health, education, etc. It is a measure only of basic necessities for human survival.
The current situation of rising cost of living cannot be attributed to anything else other than poor planning. The price of mealie meal in Zambia -- considering the country's natural endowments -- need not be as high as it is currently. The country can and should certainly grow its own maize to meet the demands of Zambian families, observes Muweme Muweme Coordinator of the Economic and Social Development Project of the JCTR.