Now showing items 1261-1280 of 1398

    • JCTR Presents to NCC Citizens’ Demand for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) in the New Bill of Rights 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2009-02-04)
      The previous day, 3 February, the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) presented to the Human Rights Committee of the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) more than 12 thousand (12,481) signatures from ...
    • The JCTR is Concerned That The Right to Safe Drinking Water is Under Threat 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2019-01-29)
      Access to affordable water and acceptable sanitation is critical to the health well-being of Zambians. Many people do not have access to clean water for the basic purposes of health and sanitation. In early January, the ...
    • Inclusion of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the New Constitution A Must 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2008-05-10)
      The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) calls on the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) to seriously consider the inclusion of Economic, Social, and Cultural rights (ESCR) in a new Bill of Rights of the ...
    • Improvement of Social Service Delivery Upholds Human Dignity 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2019-03-19)
      The Government of the Republic of Zambia, recognises that all human beings are entitled to economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR). JCTR supported by Misean Cara facilitated a project aimed at improving people's awareness ...
    • The Proposed Refinancing Strategy of US $750 Million Eurobond Might Lead Zambia Into A Sovereign Debt Crisis 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2019)
      The planned contraction of a private equity to amortize Zambia’s US$ 750 million Eurobond is a disaster in-waiting. JCTR is apprehensive with regard to use of a private equity to refinance the country’s Eurobond as the ...
    • A Call for Responsible Leadership on Bill 10 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2020-02-04)
      THE Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) noted with concern that the media is awash with disparaging and divisive statements emanating from various quarters of society on the proposed constitutional amendment, ...
    • Joint Press Statement By Three Church Mother Bodies on the Arrest and Detention of Faith Leaders and the CTPD Staff in Ndola 

      Council of Churches of Zambia, Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia and Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (2018-10)
      The CCZ, EFZ and the ZCCB were registering their extreme disappointment and concern at the then recent action by the police to prevent citizens from exercising their constitutional right to meet and discuss national issues ...
    • Public - Private Partnerships, Crucial to Development, Says JCTR 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2011-04-12)
      Zambia is facing human development challenges that call for concerted efforts among various players. . It is therefore encouraging that the Government has been calling for enhanced Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) by ...
    • Media Statement on Public Finance Management In Zambia 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2017)
      The members of civil society are concerned with the current public financial management situation within which we find ourselves as Zambians. The Auditor General’s Report every year reveals how colossal sums of money are ...
    • Is the Momentum on the APRM Slowly Dying Down? 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2011-02-01)
      As year 2011 begins, it would be good to see renewed interest, energy and commitment towards the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). This commitment should be from all major sectors that include government, civil society ...
    • Economic Growth And Human Development 

      Liche, Dominic; Liche, Dominic (2011-02-25)
      In 2010, Zambia was rated as the fourth growing economy in Africa, and number 21 growing economy in the world according to the Country Comparison of GDP Real Growth by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Zambia’s Gross ...
    • The Presidential Speech Recently Delivered Did Not Inspire Hope 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2019-09-19)
      On Friday, 13th September, 2019, Republican President Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu addressed the National Assembly under the theme “Accelerating Sustainable Development for a Better Zambia in the Midst of Climate Change”. He ...
    • JCTR Calls For Immediate Implementation of The National Employment And Labour Market Policy 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2005-11-29)
      The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) wishes to extend a strong encouragement to all stakeholders, especially government, to begin immediately implementing the National Employment and Labour Market ...
    • Government Must Cancel Mining in The Lower Zambezi National Park 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2019-11-04)
      The economy of Zambia depends heavily on mining of Copper and other minerals. Despite its economic contributions, the mining industry has also brought the problem of environmental degradation. The High Court of Zambia has ...
    • Reinstate Mineral Revenue Sharing Mechanism 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection; Caritas Zambia; Extractive Industry Transparency Alliance; ... (4 authors) (2019-10-11)
      The Strengthened Accountability Programme (SAP) II implementing partners would like to urge the government to reinstate the Mineral Revenue Sharing Mechanisms in form a Local Authority Development Fund. This is for the ...
    • Active Citizenship 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2014)
      Active Citizenship is essentially about citizens’ engagement in the political, social and economic affairs that affect them at any appropriate level (Local or National) where they are able to play this duty effectively ...
    • What is the Way Forward to Improve the Lives of All Zambians? 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2015)
      The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR)realises that the debate around what should be contained in the final Constitution (content) and how to adopt the Constitution (process) is not only a political debate or ...
    • Load Shedding Threatens Zambia’s Economy And General Welfare of Citizens 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2019-05-06)
      The commencement of a four-hour daily load shedding is increasing anxiety among many stakeholders and citizens following their experience of massive load shedding in 2015. Load shedding will threaten the growth of Zambia's ...
    • The Catholic Social Teaching 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2016)
      In this brochure, you will find how Catholic Social Teaching provides away to help understand our rights and how we can get them. And we can work together to make sure that all Zambians have access to these basic rights ...
    • Public Order Act: An Impediment To Democracy? 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2017-02)
      The brochure tries to bring to light what the the Public Order Act is and what Citizens should know about the Public Order Act