Hiv And Aids: A Justice Perspective
Kelly, Michael J
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Almost twenty-five years have passed since the publication of the first report on what was to develop as the AIDS pandemic. During those years HIV and AIDS have expanded at an accelerating rate in every continent and now affect every country in the world for which information is available. But at the same time, the first quarter century of HIV and AIDS has witnessed some notable achievements. In particular, effective treatments have been developed that can keep HIV under control, extend life and improve its quality. Further, prevention efforts have been attended by some success, though this is limited and occurs mostly within clearly defined groups. What is needed now is to make these benefits accessible to all who could profit from them.
The time of AIDS is a time of great perplexity. But it is also a time of great challenge and a time of great grace. The Church has the responsibility of discerning God in the current situation and of hearing what God is saying to it through the crisis of HIV and AIDS. It is also duty bound to help others experience God even in the circumstances of HIV and AIDS. In the final analysis, the responsibility of the Church is to live, speak and act as Christ would have done in this era of HIV and AIDS, to be Christ to those who are infected and affected, to bring Christ’s message of hope and certain victory to suffering people and a suffering world