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May 2020 Basic Needs and Needs Basket Statement: An Uphill Battle for the Poor as Cost of Living Continues to Rise

dc.contributor.authorJesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
dc.descriptionMAY 2020 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket Statement: An Uphill Battle for the Poor as Cost of Living Continues to Riseen
dc.description.abstractThe Basic Needs and Nutrition basket (BNNB) for the month of May 2020 stood at K7, 195.60, an increase of K36.93 from the April 2020 basket. Increases in the basket were noted in the prices of vegetables which moved from K354.83 to K502.73, milk which increased to K170.83 from K103.28 for 10litres, bananas moved from K153.77 to K203.03, 1kg of pounded groundnuts increased from K43.95 to K79.23, 4kg of rice moved from K77.54 to K82.76, 4kg of potatoes increased to K37.99 from K30.36 for 4kg, onion increased from 80.14 to 94.07 and 3trays of eggs moved from 103.28 to 112.49. Reductions were however recorded in the prices of other fruits moving to K321.64 from K426.16, mealie meal from K250.5 to K200, and from the non-food but essential items charcoal reduced from K358.40 to K332.00.en
dc.description.sponsorshipIrish Aid and Joint Country Programmeen
dc.publisherJesuit Centre for Theological Reflectionen
dc.rightsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectCost of Livingen
dc.subjectBasic Needs and Nutrition Basketen
dc.subjectMay 2020en
dc.titleMay 2020 Basic Needs and Needs Basket Statement: An Uphill Battle for the Poor as Cost of Living Continues to Riseen

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