March 2024 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket Statement: Strengthening Resilience in the Face of Food Insecurity - An Easter Message of Hope
Siamachoka, Muchimba
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The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) observed an increase in the Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket (BNNB) which now stands at K10, 603.40 for the month of March representing a 2.9% increase in comparison to the month of February. The increase in the basket was due to an increase in the prices of some food items such as a 25kg bag of roller mealie meal which cost K284.43 from K226.67 and fruits such as oranges and apples which stood at K43.22 from K27.21 per kg. Despite the increase in the overall basket, it was also observed that the price of 40 kgs of vegetables reduced to K571.43 from K689.97. It is worth noting that these changes reflect a combination of factors driving up the cost of living, including the impacts of El Niño-induced weather patterns on agricultural production, exchange rate depreciation affecting the cost of imported goods, fluctuating fuel prices, and other interconnected economic dynamics.
As we prepare to celebrate Easter, we are reminded of new beginnings, of renewal and hope knowing that God has never abandoned us, and in his perfect love of mankind we remember that our lives are in the hands of the Creator who sent his only Son to die for us. We seek to overcome fear and uncertainty about the future. In Zambia, amidst food insecurity and rising costs, this message of Easter resonates deeply. Recognising the challenges encountered by communities affected by the threatening food insecurity, we should still aim to instil hope and foster collaborative efforts. As Easter signifies renewal and new beginnings, it is an opportune time to come together, extend support, and work towards sustainable solutions for food security.