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November 2005 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Says Development Interventions Should Bring Changes at a Family Level

dc.contributor.authorJesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
dc.descriptionBecause the family is the basic unit of social cohesion and the primary determinant of a nation’s character, there is need to pay particular attention to conditions within households in the current socioeconomic context, says the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR). We should all critically examine the household environment in which we are bringing up children, in terms of not only the material well being but also the attitudes and values communicated to young people.en
dc.description.abstractThe JCTR attaches great importance to the statement by President Mwanawasa that there should be responsible parenthood in our nation. It is indeed irresponsible to have children when one cannot look after them in terms of not only meeting their material needs but also ensuring that they grow into responsible adults. However, much as the responsibility of bringing up children rests with parents, it is important to recognize that it is the responsibility of communities and government to create a suitable environment to help parents raise children well. This means the creation of sustainable sources of livelihoods, development of infrastructure, increased access to adequate and quality health care, offering affordable quality education, etc. One necessary step to ensuring that this happens is to have in the Zambian Constitution’s Bill of Rights explicit inclusion of economic, social and cultural rights to legally assure enjoyment of these basic necessities.en
dc.description.sponsorshipIrish Aid and Joint Country Programmeen
dc.publisherJesuit Centre for Theological Reflectionen
dc.rightsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectBasic Needs and Nutrition Basketen
dc.subjectCost of Livingen
dc.subjectNovember 2005en
dc.titleNovember 2005 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: JCTR Says Development Interventions Should Bring Changes at a Family Levelen

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