February 2003 Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket: People's Hardships Hightened: Basic Needs Cost a Million, Says JCTR
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Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
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In the midst of widespread human deprivations, cost of living for a family of six in Lusaka shows a sharp increase beyond reach of many households leading to acute and widespread hardships, observes the Economic and Social Development Research Project of the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR). According to the monthly basic needs report that shows cost of living in Lusaka for January 2003, a family of six now needs an average of K401,050 for food only (kapenta, beans, meat, eggs, vegetables, milk, cooking oil, etc.) and an average total cost of K1,029,159 if non-essential food items are included.Muweme Muweme, Coordinator of the Economic and Social Development Research Project, observes that the average cost of food only in January is an increase of K20,900 from the month of December average cost of K380,150. The sharp increase has occurred in almost all commodities with the exception of mealie meal which has shown some stability.
If we add the average cost of food and non-food essentials, the total cost of the Basic Needs Basket for January is K1,029,159, an increase of K141,600 from the December 2002 figure of K887,550. This indeed is beyond the reach of many households and makes the monthly earning of K160,000 as the PAYE tax exemption threshold extremely inadequate. It also means acute hardships for the households.