JCTR @ Thirty (30) Years
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Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
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The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) is a project of the Zambia-Malawi Province of the Society of Jesus (The
Jesuits). The Centre does research, education and advocacy on issues of social justice to promote the fullness of life for all,
especially the poor. This year, 2018 marks 30 years of the JCTR's dedicated service to promoting the fullness of human life for all, as the Centre was established in 1988. Beginning with Fr. Arul Varaprassadam, S.J, as its first Director, JCTR has over the
decades seen three more Directors (Fr. Peter Henriot, SJ from1990-2010, Fr. Leonard Chi, SJ, from 2011-2017 and currently Fr. Emmanuel Mumba SJ, who became Director in September, 2017) carrying on the same vision and mission but alert to "reading the signs of the mes". Thus, the mission has found its expression in different ways in the past 30 years.
In regard to carrying out this mission, JCTR has evolved in various ways over the past three (3) decades. The Centre that began with very minimal but significant initiatives such as the JCTR Bullen, used as an avenue to promote social justice values, saw towards the year 2000 and beyond, more initiatives aimed at addressing pertinent issues in Zambia and globally. A significant example of such initiatives was the launch of the Jubille-2000 campaign for debt cancelation in 1998 at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka.