Church In Africa: Relevant And Credible?
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Henriot, Peter J
Liche, Dominic
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On 28 June 2007, Pope Benedict XVI called for the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops to be held in the Vatican in October 2009. The theme of this Second Assembly is: “The Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace: ‘You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world’ (Matthew 5: 13-15).” This synod will come 15 years after the 1994 Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, now commonly referred to as the First African Synod. Synods of Bishops have regularly been held since the conclusion of Vatican Two, devoting attention both to the universal topics such as evangelisation, laity or scripture, or geographically localised with a focus, for example, on the Church in Europe, the Americas or Asia. Unlike a Council which can make decrees, a Synod is, in the present Roman dispensation, only “consultative.” This means it can only make recommendations which are referred to the Pope for follow-up.
The purpose of this JCTR booklet is to help to prepare for the African Synod by increasing awareness about it and its importance to Catholics and other in Zambia and wider in Africa and around the world. We contribute to such a preparation by suggesting answers to these important questions: Have we achieved the themes and recommendations of the First African Synod? What are our expectations of the Second African Synod? How best can we prepare and participate for the Second African Synod?