Analysis of The Reports of The Auditor General on The Accounts For The Financial Year Ended 31St December 2015 And Review of Operations of Local Authorities For 2015
Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
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The JCTR has over the years advocated improvement in Zambian citizens’ access to essentials of life. They include access to education, health, water and sanitation. Select cases of concern have therefore been identified related to weaknesses in revenue collection, irregularities in procurement, undelivered materials, irregular payments, unsupported payments, misapplication, misuse and overspending of funds. The implications of such abuses are also highlighted on citizens accessing essentials of life.
The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) is a research, education, advocacy and consultancy organization that has been promoting study and action linking Christian faith and social justice in Zambia since its establishment in 1988. The JCTR realizes its vision through its two main programmes: Faith and Justice and Social and Economic Development Programmes. As part of JCTR’s general advocacy strategy and engagement, JCTR is involved in monitoring service delivery in targeted communities and public resource utilization. To this effect, some of the activities that JCTR undertakes include: monitoring of national debt levels, annual analysis of the National Budget, Annual Analysis of the Auditor General’s Report, presentation of Budget submissions to the Committee on Parliament, tax and non-tax proposals to the Ministry of Finance and other ministries.