Now showing items 1221-1240 of 1398

    • Is There Health Equity in Zambia? A Case Study 

      Mwikisa, Chris N; Seshamani, Venkatesh (2003-03)
      Zambia has for a long time been experiencing high levels of poverty and inequality. This has been manifested in a number of ways, health poverty and inequality being one of them. The cause of worsening poverty in Zambia ...
    • JCTR’s Employment Performance Index (EPI) 

      Kaonga, Oliver; Chibuye, Miniva (2009)
      The Social Conditions Programme of the JCTR is implementing a project to advocate for increased formal employment. This is against the backdrop that the country is struggling to create adequate formal employment opportunities ...
    • A Study on Framework and Policies for Governance in the Mining Sector in Zambia 

      Nyirongo, Griffin (2017-12)
      Most of Zambia’s large-scale copper mines are located on the Copperbelt Province and North- Western Province. Zambia like all states has an obligation to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms as enshrined in the ...
    • National Budget And Citizen Participation 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2019-11-05)
      A budget is a plan for future income and expenditure that is used as guideline for spending, saving or investing.The budget cycle refers to and includes all the processes, procedures and activities by which government ...
    • APRM in Zambia 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2009-03)
      There are questions that many Zambians have! But not many of us have good answers! Not only do Zambians ask questions about governance, but so do the citizens of so many other African countries. And that is why there is - ...
    • Daily Life in The High Density Areas of Lusaka; Select Stories And Policy Recommendations 

      Kasankha, Samuel; Banda, Edwin; Petrauskis, Chris; ... (5 authors) (2007-10)
      The Social Conditions Programme of the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) has for long while been conducted as a monthly survey of the cost of essential food and non-food items for an average family of six ...
    • Study to Identify Challenges and Potential Success Factors Regarding Public Finance Management in Zambia 

      Chileshe, Christian; Njobvu, Elesani D; Nsana, Stuart (2011-12)
      This study was commissioned by the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) to explore ways of promoting effective and efficient public resource management and service delivery through transparency, social accountability ...
    • Poverty Analysis Inception Report For Irish Aid 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2011-09-27)
      Irish Aid supports four districts namely Mpika, Isoka, Mbala and Luwingu in the Northern Province with the aim of facilitating the development of council capacities to produce integrated development plans, improve service ...
    • Promotion of Social Justice And Concerns For The Poor 

      Allsopp, Clare (2017)
      Economic, Social and Cultural Rights are vital for dignity of human life. These rights are incorporated into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) to which Zambia is committed by its constitution. Education, as ...
    • Understanding Seasonality Implications on Quality of Life Through The Innovative JCTR Rural Basket: The Case of Select Rural Areas of Matushi, Saka And Malama of Zambia 

      Chibuye, Miniva (2009)
      The causes of poverty and required responses is a call for concern in Zambia. A study done by the WHO in 2008 revealed that Zambia was among the ten most malnourished countries in the world. The dominant factors that hinders ...
    • 2020 Budget Address By Honourable Dr. Bwalya K.E. Ng’Andu, MP, Minister of Finance, Delivered to the National Assembly on Friday 27th September, 2019 

      The Zambian Government (2019-09-27)
      The Minister of Finance asked to move that the House do resolve into Committee of Supply on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the year 1st January, 2020 to 31st December, 2020 presented to the National Assembly ...
    • Report on the Jubilee Zambia Debt Campaign Opinion poll 

      Jubilee Zambia (2002)
      The World Bank and the IMF launched the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative of debt reduction in 1997 in an attempt to address the debt problems of severely indebted low-income countries. As of January 2002, ...
    • Final Report of the Evaluation of the Debt Project (October 1998-December 2001) 

      Mutesa, Fredrick (2003-03-04)
      The CCJP/JCTR debt project was established in 1998 with the purpose of securing an ethical outcome to Zambia’s external debt problem, viewed as a burden on the people by the project holders. The main purpose of the evaluation ...
    • The Taxation System in Zambia 

      Mwila, Messrs Alfred; Manley, David; Chileshe, Patrick; ... (5 authors) (2011-01)
      Zambia is facing tax performance challenges that need to be addressed urgently. The declining tax performance in the recent past has been caused by the proliferation of tax incentives in Zambia. The premise of this study ...
    • Debt Resource Monitoring Report (DRM) 

      Mwansa, Sydney (2010-11)
      The poor water supply and sanitation situation in the Central Province resulted the Zambian government to acquire a loan and grant amounting to US$33 million from the African Development Bank (AfDB) to embark on a US$36.9 ...
    • Domestic Resource Mobilisation for Sustainable Development 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2009)
      There is an old saying that ‘nothing is certain in life but death and taxes’. Meaning you can’t avoid either of the two. Tax however can be made less intimidating than the above quote seems to suggest. Government needs ...
    • Debt Resource Monitoring Manual 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2008)
      The achievements made so far in the campaign for debt cancellation need to be complemented by prudent management and utilisation of debt resources in the post HIPC era. In order to facilitate transparency and accountability ...
    • Does Aid Transparency Make for More Effective Aid? A Case Study of Lusaka Province 

      Pollen, Gabriel; Seshamani, Venkatesh (2011)
      The movement for increasing aid transparency has gained significant momentum in recent years. The purpose of this study is to analyze the link between aid transparency and aid effectiveness. Several studies do not corroborate ...
    • Domestic Resource Mobilisation For Sustainable Development 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2014)
      TPIN stands for Tax Payer Identification Number. It can be likened to a National Registration Card (NRC) number for a Zambian citizen. It is the official ten (10) digits number that ZRA issues to a Tax registered individual ...
    • Domestic Resource Mobilisation For Sustainable Development 

      Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2008)
      To ensure that there is equity in bearing the tax burden. The tax burden in Zambia is borne largely by about 500, 000 workers in the formal sector. There is need to ensure that equity prevails where all contribute to the ...