Recent Submissions

  • A Just Market System 

    Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2020)
    A just market is a market system that enables favorable participation from all market players. Buyers and sellers make up the market system. Sellers offer products and buyers offer money, the interaction of these two players ...
  • What is The Church’s Social Teaching Saying About Labour? 

    Moyo, Anold (2011-10)
    Ever since the origin of human life, human beings have had to work for their upkeep and survival. However, unlike pre-historic times where labour was mostly of an informal, subsistence, and individualised nature, today it ...
  • Catholic Social Teaching And The AIDS Pandemic 

    Kelly, Michael J (2011-01)
    The Church’s social teaching refers to a body of teaching on social, economic, political and cultural matters developed over a long period by the Catholic Church, but proposed more explicitly and systematically in the years ...