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Recent Submissions

  • How Free is Free Education? The Cost of Education on Lusaka 

    Petrauskis, Chris; Nkunika, Sheila (2006)
    This policy brief from Jesuit Centre for theological Reflection (JCTR)serves to present the results of a recent study of Lusaka parents, teachers and headmasters about the cost, accessibility and quality of education in ...
  • Taxation of Rental Income in Zambia 

    Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (2014)
    Rental income is simply any income that is derived from letting out a property such as a house. If one owns a house and decides to let it out, any income realised thereof is what is referred to as rental income. There are ...
  • Investing Directly in The Poor: A Demand For Social Protection in Zambia 

    Petrauskis, Chris (2007-02)
    “There are a lot of problems in our society that need to be addressed by the government but no efforts have been made to address these issues. It is as though there is no government. People who are in power, people who are ...